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한국화인썸의 다양한 제품을 만나보세요!

Top Loading Furnace & Stirrer

[CVD System] 1100 Mini-mite Tube Fu...

[일체형 탁상 튜브로 시스템] Lindberg/Blue M Min...

1700 High Temp Box Furnace

[Burn-out System 외] 1100 Atmosphere...

Lindberg/Blue M 1100°C Mini-Mite Tu...

1050 muffle furnace

[CVD System] 1100 Lindberg mini-mit...

Top Loading Port Furnace

[MFC,Vacuum, Gasket System 외] Lindb...

Elevator Furnace

Lindberg/Blue M 1100℃ Moldatherm Bo...

Chamber Furnace with Fiber-insulate...

RHK Roller Type Chamber Furnace (CE...

Lindberg/Blue M 1200℃ LGO Box Furn...

[Vacuum, MFC 외] Lindberg Tube Furna...

High Temp Box Furnace (고온전기로)...

[MFC System 외] 1200 3-zone split-hi...

Shaft Furnace up to 900°C

Lindberg/Blue M 1100°C Tube Furnace...

Temperature Controllers

Lindberg/Blue M 1700°C Tube Furnace...

고온박스형 전기로

[MFC, VAC, Burn-out, Gasekt, & Cool...

[Control Console Local외] 1200 Lindb...

O2 Gas-tight Furnaces (CE)

고온 용융로 High Temp Elevator Type Furn...

Lindberg/Blue M 1200°C Split-Hinge ...

Thermolyne Industrial Benchtop Muff...

[MFC System 외]1500 General Purpose ...

Thermolyne 1100℃ Small Benchtop Muf...

[가스 진공 분위기시스템 테이블] Lindberg 1500 Tub...

Muffle Furnaces up to 1100°C

Lindberg/Blue M 1200°C Heavy-Duty B...

[독립 컨트롤 박스]Control Box For Lindberg...

Radiant Heating System(CE)

[Furnace Moving System Table 외] Lin...

[2단 퍼니스 테이블]Lindberg Box Furnace 양산...

1700 Box Furnace

[탁상 튜브로 시스템] Lindberg/Blue M Mini-m...

Thermolyne Benchtop Muffle Furnaces...

Lindberg/Blue M Controller for 1200...

[MFC, Vacuum 외] Lindberg Mini-mite ...

산소 분위기 박스형 전기로 ( O2 GasTightness Fu...

Glass Melting Furnace

Three zone spilit-hinge vertical tu...

Furnace with ceramic chambers up to...

Lindberg/Blue M Multi-purpose 1500°C...

Lindberg/Blue M 1700 Box Furnaces I...

Roller Type Chamber Furnace

[퍼니스 선반장] Lindberg Box furnace 1200...

Lindberg/Blue M 1500°C General-Purp...

[Gasket System] Lindberg Tube Furna...

Thermolyne 1093 Largest Tabletop Mu...

[MFC, Vacuum, Table외] Lindberg/Blue...

Thermolyne 1200 Premium Large Muffl...

[3-zone Control Console 외] Lindberg...

[무빙시스템] Lindberg Tube Furnace Atmos...

Tube Furnace up to 1250°C

Ashing Furnace up to 1300°C

[MFC, Burn-out 외] Lindberg Tube Fur...

[Gasket System외] 1500 General Purpo...

[Flowmeter 외 ] Lindberg TF55035C

[MFC, Vacuum, Table외] Lindberg/Blue...

Lindberg/Blue M Controller for Furn...

Dental Furnace 고온전기로 덴탈퍼니스...

[안전장치, 자동도어 외] Lindberg Box Furnace...

Thermolyne 975 Atmosphere Controlle...

[MFC Control 외]Lindberg 3 Zone Tube...

[경광등 외 안전장치 추가] Lindberg/Blue M Box...

[Vacuum 시스템 외] Lindberg 1200 Tube F...

[Vacuum System 외] 1100 Mini-mite Fu...

[MFC, Vac, Console, Burnout외] Lindb...

[화학기상증착시스템] Lindberg/blue M mini-mi...

[MFC, VAC, Gasket외] Lindberg Tube F...

[1700 초고온로 진공 분위기 시스템 ] 1700 Temp At...

[Control Console 외] 1200 Tube Furna...

Lindberg/Blue M 1700°C Box Furnaces...

[테이블일체형시스템] Lindberg Tube Furnace S...

[MFC, Vacuum, Table,Gasket 외] Lindb...

Top Loading Furnace & Stirrer

[CVD System] 1100 Mini-mite Tube Fu...

[일체형 탁상 튜브로 시스템] Lindberg/Blue M Min...

1700 High Temp Box Furnace

[Burn-out System 외] 1100 Atmosphere...

Lindberg/Blue M 1100°C Mini-Mite Tu...

1050 muffle furnace

[CVD System] 1100 Lindberg mini-mit...

Top Loading Port Furnace

[MFC,Vacuum, Gasket System 외] Lindb...

Elevator Furnace

Lindberg/Blue M 1100℃ Moldatherm Bo...

Chamber Furnace with Fiber-insulate...

RHK Roller Type Chamber Furnace (CE...

Lindberg/Blue M 1200℃ LGO Box Furn...

[Vacuum, MFC 외] Lindberg Tube Furna...

High Temp Box Furnace (고온전기로)...

[MFC System 외] 1200 3-zone split-hi...

Shaft Furnace up to 900°C

Lindberg/Blue M 1100°C Tube Furnace...

Temperature Controllers

Lindberg/Blue M 1700°C Tube Furnace...

고온박스형 전기로

[MFC, VAC, Burn-out, Gasekt, & Cool...

[Control Console Local외] 1200 Lindb...

O2 Gas-tight Furnaces (CE)

고온 용융로 High Temp Elevator Type Furn...

Lindberg/Blue M 1200°C Split-Hinge ...

Thermolyne Industrial Benchtop Muff...

[MFC System 외]1500 General Purpose ...

Thermolyne 1100℃ Small Benchtop Muf...

[가스 진공 분위기시스템 테이블] Lindberg 1500 Tub...

Muffle Furnaces up to 1100°C

Lindberg/Blue M 1200°C Heavy-Duty B...

[독립 컨트롤 박스]Control Box For Lindberg...

Radiant Heating System(CE)

[Furnace Moving System Table 외] Lin...

[2단 퍼니스 테이블]Lindberg Box Furnace 양산...

1700 Box Furnace

[탁상 튜브로 시스템] Lindberg/Blue M Mini-m...

Thermolyne Benchtop Muffle Furnaces...

Lindberg/Blue M Controller for 1200...

[MFC, Vacuum 외] Lindberg Mini-mite ...

산소 분위기 박스형 전기로 ( O2 GasTightness Fu...

Glass Melting Furnace

Three zone spilit-hinge vertical tu...

Furnace with ceramic chambers up to...

Lindberg/Blue M Multi-purpose 1500°C...

Lindberg/Blue M 1700 Box Furnaces I...

Roller Type Chamber Furnace

[퍼니스 선반장] Lindberg Box furnace 1200...

Lindberg/Blue M 1500°C General-Purp...

[Gasket System] Lindberg Tube Furna...

Thermolyne 1093 Largest Tabletop Mu...

[MFC, Vacuum, Table외] Lindberg/Blue...

Thermolyne 1200 Premium Large Muffl...

[3-zone Control Console 외] Lindberg...

[무빙시스템] Lindberg Tube Furnace Atmos...

Tube Furnace up to 1250°C

Ashing Furnace up to 1300°C

[MFC, Burn-out 외] Lindberg Tube Fur...

[Gasket System외] 1500 General Purpo...

[Flowmeter 외 ] Lindberg TF55035C

[MFC, Vacuum, Table외] Lindberg/Blue...

Lindberg/Blue M Controller for Furn...

Dental Furnace 고온전기로 덴탈퍼니스...

[안전장치, 자동도어 외] Lindberg Box Furnace...

Thermolyne 975 Atmosphere Controlle...

[MFC Control 외]Lindberg 3 Zone Tube...

[경광등 외 안전장치 추가] Lindberg/Blue M Box...

[Vacuum 시스템 외] Lindberg 1200 Tube F...

[Vacuum System 외] 1100 Mini-mite Fu...

[MFC, Vac, Console, Burnout외] Lindb...

[화학기상증착시스템] Lindberg/blue M mini-mi...

[MFC, VAC, Gasket외] Lindberg Tube F...

[1700 초고온로 진공 분위기 시스템 ] 1700 Temp At...

[Control Console 외] 1200 Tube Furna...

Lindberg/Blue M 1700°C Box Furnaces...

[테이블일체형시스템] Lindberg Tube Furnace S...

[MFC, Vacuum, Table,Gasket 외] Lindb...


한국화인썸의 다양한 제품을 만나보세요!

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